Purchasing MDAO through PancakeSwap

This user guide describes in detail the process of purchasing MDAO tokens through PancakeSwap. PancakeSwap is a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange powered by the Binance blockchain.

  1. Go to PancakeSwap, tap Connect and choose WalletConnect:

  2. Select a wallet, and then inside the wallet tap on Connect:

  3. Open the Trade section and select the USDT/MDAO trading pair:

  1. Select the amount of USDT you want to exchange for MDAO or the amount of MDAO you want to receive and click Enable USDT and then Confirm Swap if this is the first time the exchange is being made:

  2. If this is the first time you are swapping, first click APPROVE and confirm the transaction, then Swap will appear, click it and confirm the swap in your wallet:

  3. Congrats! You have successfully purchased MDAO through PancakeSwap! You can quickly add a display of the token in MetaMask if it is not already configured. Copy the token address and navigate to your wallet:

  4. In the wallet, click Import tokens and go to the Custom token section:

  5. Enter the smart contract address of the MDAO token, click Next and Import:

Last updated