
How do I contact MarsDAO support?

You can contact MarsDAO Technical Support at support@daomars.com.

What is slippage and why does it happen?

When a crypto trader makes an exchange, they expect the purchase or sale transaction to occur at the price he or she previously agreed upon. However, when the transaction is carried out at a completely different price, it is called "slippage''.

More information about slippage and how to avoid it can be found in our article "What is slippage and how to avoid it" on Medium.

What is frontrunning and how to avoid it?

You can break up large transactions into smaller ones instead of carrying them all out at once. This reduces the appeal of transactions ahead of bots because of the value that can be harvested. As a result, bots will pass the transaction rather than execute it ahead of time. More information can be found in our article.

I sent my MDAO to Community Staking. When will I be able to withdraw my assets?

Assets can either be withdrawn in full or you can be left as the lockup sums in the staking.

The minimum amount required for the participation in the Community Round fund staking depends on the NFT's tier.

First level NFT: the minimum number of tokens to stake is 500 MarsDAO. Lockup 15 days.

Second level NFT: the minimum number of tokens to stake is 1000. Lockup 30 days.

Third level NFT: the minimum number of tokens to stake is 2,000. Lockup 45 days.

Fourth level NFT: the minimum number of tokens to stake is 4,000. Lockup 60 days.

Fifth level NFT: the minimum number of tokens to stake is 10,000. Lockup 75 days.

Sixth level NFT: the minimum number of tokens to stake is 12,500. Lockup 90 days.

Seventh level NFT: the minimum number of tokens to stake is 15,000. Lockup 105 days.

Eighth level NFT: the minimum number of tokens to stake is 20,000. Lockup 120 days.

Ninth level NFT: the minimum number of tokens to stake is 25,000. Lockup 135 days.

Tenth level NFT: the minimum number of tokens to stake is 50,000. Lockup 150 days.

Eleventh level NFT: the minimum number of tokens to stake is 75,000. Lockup 180 days.

My tokens are missing. I don't see them in my wallet. What actions should be taken in that case?

If you have not shared your wallet keys and passwords with third parties, your tokens cannot go missing. If you have doubts about the safety of your funds, all transactions with your assets (from your wallet) can be tracked at any time with the help of the BNB Chain Explorer at BscScan.com.

What is DAO and how can I help develop it? How can I be useful to the project?

A DAO or decentralized autonomous organization is a governance structure in which control is rather distributed than hierarchical. DAOs are organized involving smart contracts, with participants using control tokens to vote on such topics as fund distribution. Email for partnership proposals: welcome@daomars.com

Last updated