Swapping MARS to MDAO

How to swap MARS to MDAO

These instructions detail the process of exchanging MARS tokens for MDAO tokens. After a successful exchange, you will be able to use the new tokens in various MarsDAO products.

If I specified a wallet address after 25.02.2022, will I be able to swap to DAO?

Users who specified their MetaMask wallet addresses in the “DAO Migration” section after 25.02.2022, tokens have been sent to their wallets. If you still haven't received the tokens, you should contact support by mail at support@daomars.com.

What to do if MDAO tokens are not displayed in my wallet after the swap?

To customize the display of the MDAO token in the wallet:

  1. Go to the MetaMask homepage and select BNB Smart Chain.

  2. Click “Add tokens” or “Import tokens”.

  3. In the “Custom token” tab, specify in the first line the address of the MDAO smart contract: 0x60322971a672B81BccE5947706D22c19dAeCf6Fb, the other fields will be filled in automatically.

  4. Confirm the token addition.

Why MARS is not swapped to MDAO?

If you follow our detailed instructions, you should not have any problems swapping tokens. Always make sure that your wallet addresses are spelled correctly and make sure that you have enough BNB to complete the transaction.

  1. Click on the “DAPP” button and go to the “SWAP TO DAO” section.

  2. Click on “Connect wallet”.

  3. Connect your wallet.

  4. Once the wallet is connected, you will see “Your swap amount” in the middle of the page. This is the amount of tokens to swap/exchange. All tokens are swapped once. Click on “Approve”.

  5. Confirm the transaction (requires gas in BNB).

  6. Then click “Swap” and confirm the transaction again in the wallet.

  7. Once the transaction is successful, the balance will update on the main exchange screen. “Your swap amount: 0, Your MDAO balance” has been updated to the number of tokens swapped.

After a successful transaction, the main swap screen will update the balance. "Your swap amount: 0, Your MDAO balance" updated to the number of tokens exchanged.

Why you need BNB for the swap

BNB is a native coin of the BNB Smart Chain network, in which the MDAO token is emitted. When swapping MARS for MDAO, there is an interaction with the exchange contract, respectively, this transaction is accompanied by a network fee. The BNB Smart Chain fee is covered in BNB from the wallet that initiated the transaction.

The exchange will require approximately 0.0006 — 0.002 BNB, depending on the network load at the time of exchange.

Please note, if there are no MARS tokens on your wallet, when exchanging in MetaMask, you will receive a message that the transaction will complete in error and the request will include an additional fee in BNB per transaction. Check if there are MARS tokens on your wallet, as you may have already performed the swap.

If you have MARS tokens on your wallet, MetaMask will show a fee of no more than 0.01 BNB during the swap, while the actual amount of the debit will be much smaller and can be seen in BSC Scan after a successful transaction. Please note that you need to have a small amount of BNB on your wallet for the transaction (0.02 should be enough).

Last updated

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