Dexsport is a decentralized Web3 community of bookmakers.

Dexsport is a Web3 community of bookmakers that addresses the challenges facing traditional gambling markets. Its native cryptocurrency, DEX, has been used since 2015 to run various games.

Dexsport is a decentralized crypto Web3 betting community that addresses the challenges faced by traditional gambling markets. Its native cryptocurrency, DEX, has been in use since 2015 for various games. One key feature of Dexsport is the active participation of DESU holders in the community's decision-making processes through a voting system. This aspect creates a lively space where users can voice their ideas and influence the platform's operations. Additionally, DESU holders have the opportunity to enter the community's lottery.

To maintain fairness and prevent cheating, Dexsport employs an anti-cheating system that verifies every bet and provides users with a user-friendly Web3 interface. Like MarsDAO, the platform is also certified by CertiK, a leading blockchain security firm, ensuring a secure betting environment. Through the use of Web3 technology, Dexsport offers instant monitoring of transactions and betting histories, while also providing secure encrypted communication to prevent interference from third parties. Furthermore, the platform offers free crypto deposits and withdrawals due to the absence of middlemen and its decentralized nature.

Collaboration with MarsDAO: partner staking event from 06.04.2022 to 07.06.2022.

Last updated