Selling MDAO tokens
How to sell MDAO
On you will find links to ByBit, BitGet, and the PancakeSwap exchange protocol, where you can exchange MDAO for other cryptocurrencies. Additionally, you can open links to popular aggregators and see where you can carry out an exchange.
On the PancakeSwap exchange protocol page you can exchange MDAO to USDT, or to another cryptocurrency.
Connect your wallet.
In the top line, select MDAO from the list and specify the amount you want to exchange.If the exchange is done for the first time, first click “APPROVE” and confirm the transaction.
Then click “SWAP” and confirm the transaction in the MetaMask pop-up window.
Token burning and how it works
Token burning occurs when cryptocurrency is intentionally sent to an unused wallet address in order to remove it from circulation. The address, which is called a record address or eater address, cannot be accessed or assigned to anyone. Once a token is sent to such an address, it disappears forever.
The project burns its tokens to reduce the total supply. In other words, it creates deflation. It is explained by the growth of the remaining tokens' value as far as assets tend to increase in value whenever the circulating supply drops and they become scarcer.
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